- Badminton Championship
- Sharanya Sureshkumar has represented the college in numerous badminton competitions and won accolades in the name of the college.
- Avleen Kaur has won Silver medal for her participation at the University level badminton Championship.
- First runner up and Moot Court Champions at the 3-day Law Tryst 2017 legal event held at JCCL, Mumbai
- Resource Person invited from amongst Law College Students
- Mr. Sushant Singh – Resource person for Management College in 2018.
- M/s Vidhi Shah and M/s Prachi Lad Resource person for Calligraphy Workshop held in 2019.
- M/s Prachi Lad – resource person for Excel Basics held in 2021.
- Ocean Drive 2019: The team of Lala College of Law students participated in the Ocean Clean up drive held at Versova. Efforts of students were put towards a great social cause.
- Legal Aid Services: The Principal on case-by-case basis provides free legal aid services to people who cannot afford a lawyer and not literate about the legal world.
- Elocution 2019: Students actively participated in the elocutions held at various colleges.
Jyotsna Krishnamurthy bagged the first prize at JCCL, Mumbai.
Aishwarya Dutt bagged the second runners up prize at Anand Vishwa Gurukul College of Law, Thane
- Income Tax internship: Through intense follow up, the students got a chance to participate because of intern in the events by the National Income Tax department. Students not only excelled at the competitions but they were given job prospects. One of the students was named the ‘Amicus Curaie’ (friend of the court) in the IT area.
- In March 2020, our Law college team had participated in the National Moot Court Competition – ‘Law Tryst 2020’ held at Jitendra Chauhan College of Law, Vile Parle
The team won almost all awards at the Competition amongst more than 20 Law colleges.
- Best Draftsmanship Award
- Best Memorial Award
- Best Parliamentary Award
- Best Moot Court Team Award
- Best Team and Overall Championship Award
Lala College of Law team: Aishwarya Dutt, Vidhi Shah, Chirjiv Nagpal, Huafrid Bhathena, Varun Kesharia & Prachi Lad. For the past two years Lala Lajpatrai College of Law team had won the runners-up trophy in the same Law Tryst Competition (A Hatrick for our college!). The team was also awarded with the Championship rolling trophy.
- In June 2020, Huafrid Bhathena from F.Y.LL.B won the following awards in the ‘Lex Connect Online Law Festival(National level)’ held by JCCL , Vile Parle:
- Public Interest Litigation Drafting – 2nd prize
- Poster Making Competition – 1st prize
- Short Story Making Competition – 1st prize
- Minute to win It Competition – 1st Prize
- Educational excellence at Mumbai University level:
- Dec 2019 – Het Morakhia, has ranked 5th at Mumbai University level in the Semester-V exam
.Jan 2021 was a record-making year for the Law college. Semester-V results declared 6 students from Lala College of Law as the TOP 10 ranking students of the University. The top two ranks were from Lala Lajpatrai College of Law.