Marks: – In the current 60-40 pattern, students must fulfill the following criteria for passing each subject:
Theory: 30% minimum passing per subject
Practical: 30% minimum passing per subject
Overall: 45% (theory + practical) per subject.
Therefore, to pass the examination the candidates must obtain 45% aggregate marks in each subject. Those that obtain less than 30% in either theory or practical exams would not be eligible. Those candidates who obtain less than 60% at the same sitting, will be placed in Second Class. Successful candidates who obtain 60% marks and more than 60% marks in all papers at one and the same sitting will be placed in the First Class.
Working Hours: Library will remain open between 7.00 a.m. and 6.p.m. on all working days. The student must immediately report to the Principal through the Librarian, if he/she losses his/her reader’s Ticket. A new reader’s Ticket will be issued in place of the lost one on payment of the Rs. 50/- The detailed rules regarding the Library are available with the Librarian, on request.
Students shall keep their identity cards with them while they are in the College premises. and shall produce it whenever required by any member of the College staff. Every student must show his identity card to the security personnel at the gate, failing which he may not be allowed to enter the college premises. In case of loss of identity card, student should inform about the loss to the College Office. A duplicate identity card may be issued only with the permission of the Principal and on payment of Rs. 100/-
1. Attendance is compulsory at all examinations and lectures, including seminars and moot court, all college events etc. The attendance and the work of the students in the seminars, classes, moot court etc. and also the progress at the College examinations and also their overall conduct will be taken into consideration while granting their terms and deciding their eligibility for the university examination.
2. Conduct of the students in the class as well as in the premises of the College shall be such, as will cause no disturbance to fellow students or to other classes.
3. Students most not loiter about or congregate in the college premises.
4. Students shall do nothing either inside or outside the college that will, in any way, interfere with its administration and decline. Without permission of the principal no Society, Association, Organization etc. Shall be formed or no collection be made, or tickets be sold, no function or meeting be held, no person be invited to address students, no social event be arranged nor anything be printed, no notice shall be put up on the notice board not announcements be ma e.
5. Students should, in their own interest, read notices placed on the notice boards.
6. All meetings, functions, programmes etc. must be organized / conducted only under the supervision and control of and presided over only by Principal or by any other staff member authorized by the Principal. Students must not engage themselves in any political work in the College premises. Students should not communicate, without previous permission of the Principal, any information or write about any matter to the Press, relating to the college.
7. If. for any reason, the continuance of a student in the College is, in the opinion of the Principal, detrimental to the best interests of discipline of the College, he may direct such students to leave, Students joining the College are required to abide by all the Rules, Regulations and Instructions that may be issued by the College authorities from time to time and submit to the normal enforcement of the same to the satisfaction of the College Authorities, whose decision in all matters Shall be final and the same shall not be called in question on any ground whatsoever. Black and White formals is mandatory uniform for law students. No excursions, picnics or tours can be arranged without the prior permission of the Principal. The permission may be granted, if an application is submitted by the students to the Principal through the members of the staff accompanying the students, at least one week prior to the scheduled date. The picnic will not ordinarily consist of more than 40 students. On such occasion students must be accompanied by at least two members of the staff and one female staff member, if female students join the picnic. The students will have to give an undertaking that they will behave properly and obey all instructions of the staff member’s in-charge, going at their cost and consequences and that the students joining the picnics shall return before 8.30pm. on the same day The College will not be held responsible for any untoward incident that may happen on an excursion, a picnic or a tour. When an application for permission is submitted, it will be presumed that the students have previous permission from their parents / guardians to join the picnic etc.
Ragging is totally banned and anyone found guilty of ragging and / or abetting ragging is liable to be punished under Indian Penal Code & UGC Regulation on curbing the menace of ragging in Higher Education Institutions, 2009.
If any student is found indulging in ragging, it should be brought to the notice of Member / Coordinator/ Chairperson of the Anti- Ragging Committee/ Anti – Ragging Squad of the college or Anti – Ragging Monitoring Cell of the University immediately. Such students will also be expelled from the College and F.I.R. will be lodged with the police against them. Moreover, it will be mentioned in the “College Leaving “Certificate” of such students that they are expelled because of their indulgence in ragging. The students found guilty of ragging earlier will not be admitted to this College.
As per the directions received from the University of Mumbai, vide Circular No WDC/161 of 2009 – A Women Development Cell is constituted to deal with the cases of sexual harassment of women & overall development of girl students.